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The Participants understand and acknowledge the risks associated with participating in the Paint a Legacy 5K and hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:

Assumption of Risks: Participants are fully aware that participating in the Color Run 5K involves certain risks, including, but not limited to, slips, falls, collisions with other participants, obstacles, inhalation or contact with color powder substances, and the uneven terrain. The participants understand that these risks could result in injury or damage to themselves, their belongings, or others. 

Health and Fitness: The participants confirm that they are in good health and physically capable of participating in the Paint a Legacy 5K. The participants understand that it is their responsibility to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure they are fit to engage in this  activity.

Protective Eyewear: The participants acknowledge that it is highly recommended to bring and wear suitable eye protection, such as sunglasses, during the Paint a Legacy 5K. The participants understand that the color powder used in the event may pose a risk to their eyes, and will take appropriate precautions to protect them.

Allergies: The participants understand that the color powder used in the Paint a Legacy 5K and contains various ingredients. They acknowledge that it is their responsibility to determine if they have any known allergies to the paint or other materials used in the event. If they have known allergies, they will take appropriate measures, seeking medical advice, or refraining from participating in the event. 

Dog Participation: The participants understand that dogs are allowed to participate in the Paint a Legacy 5K but acknowledge that their lower proximity to the ground puts them at a higher risk of color powder getting in their eyes and inhaling the powder. The participants agree to exercise caution and take necessary measures to minimize any potential harm to thier dog or others. Dogs must be on a leash.

Course: The participants understand that the Paint a Legacy 5K will take place on a variety of terrains, which may present additional challenges and hazards, such as uneven surfaces and potential obstacles. They will take reasonable care and caution while navigating the trail, crossing intersections, watching for cars and other potential hazards being mindful of the conditions.

Stroller Usage: The participants acknowledge that strollers are allowed in the Paint a Legacy 5K; however, they understand that having a child in a stroller places them at a lower height, which may increase the risk of direct contact with color powder. They agree to exercise caution and take necessary precautions, such as using a stroller cover or shield, to minimize direct contact between the color powder and a child. They understand and accept that the event organizer and its representatives are not responsible for any damage or loss incurred to strollers or their contents during the event.

Authorization of Emergency Medical Treatment: In the event of illness or injury during the Paint a Legacy 5K, the participants authorize emergency medical treatment.

Release and Waiver: The participants, on behalf of themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless Dental Legacy Foundation, its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, agents, and sponsors from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, damages, or liabilities, injuries, illnesses, allergies, or damages, including those arising out of negligence, whether foreseen or unforeseen, and whether existing now or arising in the future, which may arise as a result of my participation in the Paint a Legacy 5K.

Media Release: The participants grant Dental Legacy Foundation and its authorized representatives the right to use any photographs, video recordings, or other media of them taken during the Paint a Legacy 5K for promotional, advertising, or other legitimate purposes.

Agreement to the Terms: The participants have carefully read this waiver and release of liability, and fully understand its content and significance. They are aware that by checking the box, they are waiving certain legal rights that they or their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns may have against Dental Legacy Foundation. They agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions stated herein.


By checking yes, the participants acknowledge that they have read and understood this waiver and release of liability, and they willingly agree to its terms for themselves, their group, or as the parent/legal guardian (if the participant is under 18 years old).

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